You'll hear me moan and groan a lot about how my items don't really sell in the summer, which is why I don't do a lot of summer shows. Knitwear ...it's just too hot to even think about chunky hats and scarves! But this year I got a flyer from the good folks at the Northgate Festival (in North Seattle) to be a part of their street festival. Luckily, it falls in September. I figure, even if it isn't cool enough for hats, at least it's fall and buyers will be thinking about staying warm in the months to come. I'm very excited and have been knitting furiously for weeks. I'm sharing a booth with my good friend and talented crafter Cheryl Zettler of Seattle Chic/Classic Beadwear (link http://www.classicbeadwear.com/). I'll be debuting several new pieces from my fall line including a new Infinity Scarf, a crocheted Newsboy Cap, and a new version of cowl scarf, the Cable Cowl. Plus, I'll have my very popular headwraps. As well as capelets and ponchos and other hats and scarves. CAN'T WAIT!
The Northgate Festival
Saturday, September 11am - 8pm
Located at the new Thornton Place Plaza