My 'day job' is actually a graveyard shift. I'm a News Writer at KIRO Television. The hours make it much less glamarous than it sounds. What REALLY bugs me about it lately is that it's wrecking my Olympic Experience! I'm a big Olympics junkie. I watch all the major events, know the players ...even read the previews and bios. Unfortunately, because I have to go to bed early, I have to watch it all on a DVR-delay. For the past couple days ...that hasn't even been possible.
Let me set the scene for you you can feel my pain. When I walk into KIRO, there's TV's EVERYWHERE!!!! There's a giant string of televisions mounted up high on the wall, can't miss them. There's also AT LEAST ONE on every desk. There's two at mine, and another one at the next desk. We're very 'plugged in' to what's happening on the tube.
So Monday, I walk in and the sight of Michael Phelps flexing his muscles and letting out a roar I could just image was heard throughout the The Water Cub (Beijing's new Olympic Pool) drew my attention. How could I turn away? The boy is CUT! Since he was standing with a few other guys in those cool NASA swimsuits --I could pretty much tell the relay team had 'done good.'
Then today, I come in and announce that I don't want anyone to tell me the results of the men's gymnastic team finals. It was bad enough those cute little Hamm brothers weren't competing. Then the men's team had been given slim hopes of doing anything worth anything. But I at least wanted to SEE them not do anything for myself. This time, I turned on the television at my desk and there was the men's team captain holding up his bronze metal. ARGH!
I guess the only good news is, it takes the pressure off and my nails don't get eaten off while I'm watching?